01. Regular tests and examinations are held according to the Govt. Rules and Regulations.
02. Examination answer-papers (with exception of those of the final Examination) will be shown to the students in class so that they may note their mistakes.
03. Answer papers for all examinations will be provided by the School.
04. There will be 2 unit Tests (Std.I to X) and 2 Semester examinations during the year.
05. Strict action will be taken against the student, if caught copying or in any sort of indiscipline in the examination hall. Exchange of any Paper, Notebook, Textbook, Guide, Self Study, Loose Page / pages found will be considered as copy cases.
06. Promotion of the student made at the end of the year is on the basis of marks obtained in the written examination of the unit tests and 2 semesters and the year's performance coupled with oral examination, home work marks, practicals etc. as prescribed class-wise.
07. The annual result is the average of the marks, the student obtains in the examinations and the year's work.
08. The minimum average marks required to pass is 35% in each subject.
Generally, withdrawals are not permitted except at the end of a term unless such withdrawals are warranted by transfer of the parents/ guardians or in similar circumstances. But in that case the notice of withdrawal must be given in writing. If a student withdraws in the middle of the month the parents and guardians will not be entitled to the refund of the monthss fees or any portion there of.